Tổng Hợp IDIOMS Đạt 10 Điểm THPT Quốc Gia

Tổng Hợp IDIOMS Đạt 10 Điểm THPT Quốc Gia



Điểm số môn Anh được xem là một trong những điểm quan trọng nhất giúp bạn ghi điểm và dễ dàng đậu vào trường Đại học mình mong muốn. Hãy cùng NQH IELTS học 30+ IDIOMS cực kỳ hữu ích cho bài thi THPT Quốc Gia nhé!

Tổng Hợp IDIOMS Đạt 10 Điểm THPT Quốc Gia

IDIOMS là Cụm Động Từ

1. To chip in: góp tiền

Ví dụ: They each chipped in $50 to take their parents out to dinner.

2. To hit it off: tâm đầu ý hợp

Ví dụ: We hit it off immediately and become firm friends.

3. To put on an act: làm bộ, không còn là chính mình

Ví dụ: If I try to be an officer, I'll be putting on an act.

4. To cut and dried: rõ ràng, dễ hiểu

Ví dụ: We need a cut-and-dried decision by the end of the week.

5. To hear a pin drop: tĩnh lặng

Ví dụ: When Frank Sinatra walked out on stage, you could hear a pin drop.

6. To foot the bill: thanh toán tiền

Ví dụ: Let's go out and eat. I'll foot the bill.

7. To drop a brick: lỡ lời

Ví dụ: Andre dropped a brick when he called her by his ex-wife's name.

8. To miss the boat: lỡ mất cơ hội

Ví dụ: He didn't apply for the scholarship. He missed the boat.

9. To let off steam: xã hơi

Ví dụ: She jogs after work to let off steam.

10. To keep one’s shirt on: bình tĩnh

Ví dụ: Keep your shirt on! Your car isn't even scratched!

IDIOMS là các Cụm Danh Từ

1. Odds and ends: vụn vặt

Ví dụ: I took most of the big things to the new house, but there are a few odds and ends left to pick up.

2. On the house: miễn phí

Ví dụ: Can I get you a drink on the house?

3. Off the peg: hàng may sẵn

Ví dụ: He bought an off the peg suit.

4. Part and parcel: quan trọng

Ví dụ: Being recognized in the street is part and parcel of being a celebrity.

5. Good egg: đáng tin cậy

Ví dụ: I can always ask for his help. He works well and fast. He is a good egg.

6. Wet blanket: người phá đám

Ví dụ: Jack's fun at parties, but his brother's a wet blanket.

7. An open-and-shut-case: vấn đề dễ giải quyết

Ví dụ: I think it is a pretty open and shut case.

8. Up and downs: thăng trầm

Ví dụ: Like most married couples we've had our ups and downs, but life's like that.

9. The last straw: giọt nước tràn ly

Ví dụ: Cable problem during SU football game was last straw.

IDIOMS là Cụm Tính Từ/ Trạng Từ

1. In vain: vô ích

Ví dụ: All our work was in vain.

2. Home and dry: thành công

Ví dụ: If the team makes the next round, we’ll be home and dry for the semi – finals.

3. On the spot: ngay lập tức

Ví dụ: He answered the question on the spot.

4. Safe and sound: bình an vô sự

Ví dụ: We are delighted to have him back safe and sound.

5. On the mend: hồi phục 

Ví dụ: She's been ill with the flu but she's on the mend now.

6. Apples and oranges: khác biệt

Ví dụ: They are comparing apples and oranges.

7. As long as your arm: rất dài

Ví dụ: There was a list of complaints as long as your arm.


1. Cock-and-bull: bịa đặt

Ví dụ: Don't believe in that cock-and-bull story!

2. Bull in a china shop: vụng về

Ví dụ: He is still like a bull in a china shop.

3. Rain cats and dogs: mưa to

Ví dụ: I think I'll stay home today. It's raining cats and dogs and I don't want to drive.

4. When pigs fly: điều không tưởng

Ví dụ: He plans to clean his house every week, but he will probably do it only when pigs fly.

5. Let the cat out of bag: tiết lộ bí mật

Ví dụ: I was trying to keep the party a secret, but Mel went and let the cat out of the bag. 

6. Busy as bees: rất bận rộn

Ví dụ: Jane is as busy as a bee with paperwork right now.

7. Dog eat dog: có tính cạnh tranh cao

Ví dụ: It's a dog-eat-dog world out there.

8. Get your ducks in a row: ngăn nắp

Ví dụ: I'll be reviewing things to make sure you have your ducks in a row

9. Hold your horses: chậm lại

Ví dụ: Just hold your horses, Bill! Let's think about this for a moment.

IDIOMS Bộ Phận Cơ Thể

1. Break a leg: chúc may mắn

Ví dụ: You all look great in your costumes! Break a leg!

2. Face the music: chịu trận

Ví dụ: If she lied to me, then she'll just have to face the music.

3. Off one’s head: loạn trí

Ví dụ: You must be off your head to work for nothing.

4. Pay through the nose: trả giá quá đắt

Ví dụ: We paid through the nose to get the car fixed.

5. Hit the nail on the head: nói chính xác

Ví dụ: Kevin hit the nail on the head when he said Cherry's argument lacks evidence.

6. Cost an arm and a leg: rất đắt đỏ

Ví dụ: A week at a health farm can cost an arm and a leg.

7. Make one’s blood boil: giận dữ

Ví dụ: The way the boss treats people at work really makes my blood boil.

8. A real pain in the neck: người gây phiền toái

Ví dụ: My little sister won't leave me alone. She's a real pain in the neck.


1. With flying colors: xuất sắc, thành công

Ví dụ: She passed her exams with flying colors!

2. Black and white: rõ ràng

Ví dụ: It’s all in black and white here, in the contract. It says I’m entitled to three weeks of vacation each year.

3. Red tape: nạn quan liêu

Ví dụ: The people are very angry with his red tape, because he only matters the form and the people is he don't care.

4. Have a yellow streak: có tính nhát gan

Ví dụ: He won't do any dangerous things, he has a yellow streak.

5. Once in a blue moon: hiếm khi

Ví dụ: Nessie appears once in blue moon in the Loch Ness.

6. The black sheep: nghịch tử

Ví dụ: He's the black sheep of the family.

7. Paint the town red: ăn mừng

Ví dụ: Lindsay Lohan paints the town red as she returns to London life.

8. Out of the blue: hoàn toàn bất ngờ

Ví dụ: Out the blue, he asked me to come with him to Europe.

9. Red-letter day: ngày vui

Ví dụ: The day I first set foot in America was a red-letter day for me.

Trên đây là tất tần tật IDIOMS Đạt 10 Điểm THPT Quốc Gia mà các sĩ tử không nên bỏ lỡ. NQH IELTS tin rằng với những nỗ lực không ngừng nghỉ của các bạn sẽ gặt hái được trái ngọt. Chúc bạn học tốt và đậu vào trường Đại học các bạn mong muốn nhé!


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